Should i repeat my salah. Your question is about praying with doubt.

Should i repeat my salah. This is the right opinion, as he stated.

(3) SLEEP ON YOUR RIGHT SIDE. Apr 22, 2022 · You should perform two prosternations after giving the last salutation of your salah when you doubt the validity of it. For example, last night I was exceptionally sleepy when it was time for ‘Isha and I was wondering if I can repeat the salah to establish it with better kushoo’. If you stood up and left the place of your salah, then repeat the salah. I continued with my daily tasks and forgot about that and performed my Prayers as usual. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". I remembered that only when I went to perform `Isha' Prayer. Answer: We should know that what makes our Salah void or nullified. The salah is a special form of worship that is the second most important pillar of Islam after the shahada (testimony of faith). Should I perform qadha salah if I am unsure/do not know/doubtful whether a condition of my salah was fulfilled? A: If you are in doubt regarding the time of the discharge, whether before or after namaaz and you cannot make up your mind then consider During prayer, I slightly laugh for no reason, and when I am not praying, I don’t laugh. Simply I agree with your argument about pray 2 times. Recently, however, Allah has guided me to the right path and I am trying to amend for the several major sins that I committed at an early age. If you performed the Salaah in the normal manner (i. Someone told me to pray salah ul istekhara for straight 7 days. Thursday 18 Ṣafar 1446 - 22 August 2024 When we stand in Salah we should realize that we are standing in front of Allah. Jul 1, 2024 · One of the conditions of wudu (ablution) is washing all the parts in close sequence. Lie on your right side and place your right hand under your right cheek as advised by the Prophet ﷺ (Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, 6314). g. And in that i repeat certain words in fatiha more than once and in that way i extend salah and this is because i am a non arab so there are certain words i Mar 12, 2022 · I know that one should perform prostration of forgetfulness when he is in doubt about performing a wajib act of prayer. If he becomes uncertain before completing it or he is not sure whether he recited it or not, he should repeat it again from the beginning, because in this case the basic principle is that he has not recited it. Your salāh is valid. Should I repeat more? Answer: I finished praying my Salah got up and moved just a little bit and then found a foul smell what should I do. What should I do? Answer. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. , doesn’t stop it from happening. Facing the Qiblah in prayer: Essential? Facing the Qiblah is one of the conditions of prayer being valid. Please see your answer and some excellent tips below and consider taking the course regarding presence in prayer: Am I a Hypocrite for Losing Focus in Prayer? Does a Lack of Focus Invalidate My Prayers? Sep 9, 2002 · I belong to the Hanafi school of thought. Jul 4, 2023 · Thank you for your question. Really frustrating. He claims that this is due to the hadith, which states that Allah does not accept salah without purity. youtube. I had a question regarding the repetition of salah. wassalam, [Ustadh] Tabraze Azam Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Sep 9, 2017 · This is a highly complicated topic. Aug 28, 2023 · For salah, men and boys should cover their head with a cap and women and girls should extend their hijab to cover their hands. Nov 2, 2023 · So, if you were not renewing your wudu after the exiting of the madhy and just praying directly, you will have no dispensation at all, and you must make up the prayers. Your question is about praying with doubt. Would this mistake change the meaning and is my salah valid. Mar 28, 2020 · According to majority of scholars, saying the opening dua for salah would be following the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. Firstly, I will mention the ruling with regards to praying salah with your garments below your ankles. But if you do not raise them, that does not affect your prayer. What I try to do to not laugh in prayer is to hold my breath, but that makes my salah uncomfortable, and still, I laugh. Nov 30, 2003 · 1- If the praying person adds an act of prayer to it out of forgetfulness like: standing up when one should sit down, or making Rukoo' (bowing down) twice, or making more prostrations than needed, or praying five Rak'ahs instead of four in four-Rak'ahs prayers for instance, then, in such cases, one should prostrate for forgetfulness for making Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Do not pray a prayer twice in one day!” [Ibn Hibban, Sahih Ibn Hibban]. And if you fear (an enemy), perform Salah (pray) on foot or riding. Look into performing additional sunnah and nafl (voluntary) prayers and commit to making these part of your daily routine if you are able. . If she qualifies as a ma`zoor then she will only have to make wudhu at the beginning of each namaaz time irrespective of how many times the discharge occurs. Jan 30, 2022 · Your prayers were all valid because you were sure that at one point in time you didn't have anything on your arm that would prevent the validity of your doubts on whether your arm has been affected by this barrier before performing your wudu or not are of no legal consequences. I pray you are well. Do I have to repeat the previous Prayers?Jazakum Allahu khayran. They do not differentiate between dry impurity and wet impurity. [7] It should remain clear that it is essential for both men and women to ensure that they pay special attention to covering those body parts that Islamic law has stipulated must be veiled in salah, so that no form of unveiling occurs during it. A: If you are a ma’zoor, then you should make wudhu at the beginning of the Salaah time and perform Oct 16, 1998 · It should be in the mosque; A long time should not have passed. The minute I enter into salah my stomach starts cramping, and I feel the urge to pass wind. For more information on the means of attaining khushoo’ in prayer, see “"33 ways of developing Khushoo’ in Prayer” ", Jul 6, 2022 · It takes me 5-15 mins to say the takbir because I fear making the wrong movements with my hands behind my ears. Apr 26, 2011 · 1- When a person prays behind an imam, four scenarios may apply: 1- doing a movement before the imam, 2- delaying in following the imam, 3- doing an action simultaneously with the imam, and 4- doing a movement immediately after the imam. Dec 25, 2010 · The believer should not rush when prostrating; rather he has to settle in the position, as this is one of the essential parts of prayer and is necessary. If a person falls into doubt as to whether he prayed, e. Jan 22, 2016 · All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. And from the jurisprudential point of view, your prayer is accepted. If you cannot go to the mosque, you can also pray with your family or friends at home or at work. Pray on time; this will give an importance to your Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question: Assalamu Alaikum, Please advise me on the best way to help someone that is suffering from misgivings during the prayer that cause them to repeat the tashahhud, sometimes several times. If you join the prayer late you should try and catch up with the Imam and say the opening dua. Saturday 20 Ṣafar 1446 - 24 August 2024 Oct 24, 2006 · With regard to your question about praying without saying Takbir, if what you mean is that the Imam did not say Takbirat Al-Ihram (Takbir to start the prayer), then his prayer and the prayer of those who prayed behind him is not valid, and you all have to repeat the prayer. Sometimes it is erroneous, and I must repeat myself; other times, it is not, but I repeat it anyway. Mar 15, 2023 · Does it invalidate my Salah if I repeat verses five or more times? Is it necessary to redo my salah, or should I have performed Sujud al-Sahw? I read that I should have done Sujud al-Sahw, so I did it after the time of that prayer had ended, and now I’m worried. He does not return to complete his Salat/Prayer - His Salah/Prayer is invalid. In the event of this uncertainty, the basic principle is that the prayers that were done previously are Should I Repeat the Prayers Where I Have Recited the Fatiha Behind the Imam? Is It Enough for the Imam To Whisper Aloud During the Prayer? RE: Recitation in prayer; When performing salah behind the imam for zuhr and asr, since these are silent prayers do you have to recite surah fatiha and a surah yourself… Recital in Prayer Aug 12, 2021 · So if you doubted that you recited three rak'ats or four rak'ats after the last salaam of the prayer, you should not pay attention to your doubt. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. Yet, I had the intention to do it. I came across a hadith in bukhari in which Ali(ra) is asked to perform wudu after washing his private parts when he questions about this. It should be noted that the ruling of terminating salah will differ according to the situation. As for the Ta’wwuz 3, and Tasmiyah 4, they will not be recited by the mudrik (one did not miss any rakaah behind the Imam) in either the silent or the loud prayers. This I am suffering from Waswasa during my Salah because I fear my incorrect pronunciation. May Allah reward you for learning your fiqh and correcting your past mistakes. About thirty students were offering salah behind me. In your site,I came across a fatwa in which the person is compared to a woman who has menstrual Feb 7, 2022 · Do I have to make them up or should I just not repeat this in the future? Answer. In Practice Aug 24, 2015 · If Asr time enters and I am still reading the fatiha of my first cycle of Dhohr prayer is my prayer valid? Answer: Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, I pray that you are in the best of health and faith, insha’Allah. If yes, then can I always sit and pray my salah in an aeroplane? A: 1. Jul 17, 2024 · Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. You are not certain when the madhiy was emitted, so there is the possibility that it was emitted after ‘Asr prayer. Reciting al-Fatihah is one of the essential parts of the prayer, and is to be recited in each rak`ah both by the imam and by those who are being led by him, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “There is no prayer for the one who does not recite the Opening of the Book [i. In accordance with the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ, there are quite a number of private supplications and words of extolling Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) i. Should he repeat the iqamah? In the silent prayers do we have to say Subhana rabbiya al-Adhim and Subhana Rabbiyal-Ala silently, also? Answered by Shaykh Sohail Hanif, SunniPath Academy Teacher If upon completion of my salaah, I find that a few strands of my hair was showing out of my burkaa, (head covering), do I have to repeat my salaah? Answer: Assalamu alaykum Covering one's nakedness (awra) is a condition for the validity of one's About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Aug 19, 2024 · One cannot pray in impure clothes because of the general meaning of the texts which indicate that clothes should be pure when praying. Oct 13, 2020 · It is incorrect to repeat the prayer unless one committed a prohibitively disliked action therein [Shurunbulali; Maraqi al-Falah]. لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا Sep 13, 2023 · All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. The view of the majority of scholars is that the imam’s recitation is valid and sufficient for the one being led in prayer (Al-Ma'mum), and that it is not obligatory for the one being led to recite Al-Fatihah, neither in silent 4. Nov 30, 2020 · After knowing this my salah has become burdensome for me to the extent that the thoughts telling me to leave salah are becoming frequent. The reason I didn't do ihtiyaat is because there has been many cases where I had the same doubt (3rd or 4th rakat) in a 4 rakat Nov 19, 2014 · Assalaamu alaykum I live in a city where this is only one masjid I live close to the masjid so I can attend all my prayers in the masjid However to me it feels like the imam of our masjid makes a mistake in the recitation of al-fatiha that alters the meaning He interchanges the small ha with big Ha when reciting ehdina assiraat al mustaqeem Am I correct to assume it changes the meaning and Jan 6, 2021 · Question: I have been struggling to focus properly during my salah due to flatulence issues. Should I repeat when I am incorrect to make sure my Salah is valid or not? Nov 24, 2015 · One thing you can do that may help with reducing your gas issue is to do regular walking, running and leg-stomach exercises, that is if you are able to and based on your health and body condition. Learn the sunnah of prayer in terms of prostration and etiquette as this will give you reward and a more mindful salah 7. Jul 22, 2024 · Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. What should I do? Do I have to repeat salaah? Answer In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ” [al-Baqarah 2:238-239] Q:1. Note that the Satan wants you to repeat your salat to make it a burden for you, so that you hate your religion. If you cannot keep your wudu‘, because it constantly keeps breaking due to a chronic illness that you have which has been checked with the doctor, you can do the following: Dec 5, 2009 · But in the case of an obligatory prayer, if it is something important or necessary, and there is the fear of missing it, it is also o. In general one performs what’s known as sajdat as-sahwu when one makes a mistake in the prayer, where one performs two extra prostrations right before the end of the prayer (before saying assalamu alaikum… at the end). Sep 9, 2015 · Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question:As salaamu alaykum, If someone has been reading a letter of the Fatiha incorrectly for some time but is not sure how long does he need to repeat all his past prayers? Answer: Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah, I pray this finds you in the best of health and faith, […]. Perhaps you can pray istikhara on the matter and discuss it with a Hanafi scholar before you decide. Hence salah was complete on passing wind after first salam. , al-Fatihah]. This is the right opinion, as he stated. a - The Imaam Jan 17, 2001 · Praise be to Allah. The important thing is to join a group of Muslims who are praying together. After that, I did not feel a proper answer but circumstances were giving some signals but I was not sure. 14. Thus there is no relation between the entry of the prayer time and the Azan of your local mosque. I was leading Asr Salah at my dorm. They should be clean (taahir). Mubāh (permissible) for example if you fear your wealth is at stake. However if you sat on your seat and performed the Salaah, then you should repeat your Salaah. As-salaamu `alaykum wa-ramatullahi wa-barakatuh. Your wudu and prayer will be valid even if you feel aroused during it. Should I repeat the prayer or be completely sure that I have done something wrong before repeating the salah? In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Answer I performed prostration of forgetfulness for repeating. Kursuf It would be fard to repeat this salah. In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate. One must repeat that salat after taking a ghusl. I am an engineering student at a university. May Allah reward you and facilitate your matters for you. many times it happens that i am able to say “Allah u Ak” “bar” is not pronounced properly one time so i repeat it and say “Bar” again clearly. After the Maghrib and Fajr prayers, they should be recited three times each. Sometimes while praying a drop of urine comes out. I prayed salah ul istekhara twice for an issue. Prayer is Still Valid. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. As above. 2- Following the imam is the Sunnah and what it means is that a person starts to do the actions of prayer immediately after the imam starts them, but without what should i do if any verbal mistakes happen in salah most of the times while in ruku or in sajda i say subha na labbi al aala instead of rabbi due to the slip of the tongue . Seek refuge with utmost trust in Allah and this shaytan can't even come near you. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. Question: I have been struggling to focus properly during my salah due to flatulence issues. The Prophet ﷺ is reported to have recited for example: If a person farted after the first salam of the salah, is his salah valid or he has to repeat the salah after doing wudhu? Please give explanation. It is an obligatory form of prayer performed five times a day that was revealed in the Holy Qur’an and taught to us by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Aug 12, 2022 · If one has trouble pronouncing certain letters or constantly errs in the same place, they should not repeat as this may lead to doubts (waswasa). It isn't just you that is affected by this shaytan, sahaba were also affected by this shaytan not just in salah but while reading Quran as well. During the prayer in the fourth verse of Surah “al kafirun” I used to read ‘walaa ana’ as ‘wala anaa’ . 239. Suddenly my wudhu broke, but I completed salah and did not repeat it. Thus, if a person forgets to wash a limb required in wudu, or even a small part of it, and remembers it while performing wudu or immediately after when the washed parts are still wet, they may wash the part they forgot and the subsequent limbs only. Oct 9, 2000 · What is required of us is that we should strive to implement the means of feeling khushoo’ when we pray in jamaa’ah and in other prayers, and we should do all the prayers as commanded by Allaah. If one who is on a bus operating between cities falls asleep and experiences a nocturnal emission during sleep, one should perform salat by doing tayammum if it is not possible to get off the bus. Hence, to improve your concentration in Salah, you should try to go to the mosque as often as possible. Al-Imam An-Nawawi(May Allah be pleased with him) said: "Covering one`s Awrah is a condition for the validity of prayer. ” He also said: “He should do the sujud even if the time that has passed is long, or he has spoken or left the mosque. com/assimalhakeem/https://www. May 2, 2008 · The more correct view – and Allah knows best – is that the one who deliberately omits the prayer should not make it up, rather he has to seek forgiveness and repent. If one had intentionally omitted one’s Salaah, one should sincerely repent to Allah Ta’ala for committing this major sin and make a firm resolve that one will not repeat this in the future. If you were aware that you had broken your wudu and that it was haram for you to pray in this situation, then you have committed a grave sin. while standing and performing all the postures on the ground), then you do not have to repeat the Salaah. Assalamualekum, If I'm offering Salah and that time Azan is given in mosque, should I still repeat Azan by breaking my salah niyah or should I continue my salah? Answer In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. Also, not eating right before doing the payer may also help. PRIVATE SUPPLICATIONS RECITED UPON COMPLETING PRAYERS . I don’t prolong salah or wudu either. ” [Al-Maidah 5:6] Jun 17, 2011 · And stand before Allah with obedience [and do not speak to others during the Salah (prayers)]. There is no need Jun 30, 2014 · Answer: he should sit back down even if that is after bowing; he should sit back down, recite the tashahhud and say the salaam, then do the two prostrations of forgetfulness and say the salaam again, according to the more correct view, which is that in this case the prostration should come after the salaam. e. Wilful negligence of any essential posture of Salah like Rukoo’, Sujood, etc. We should have the awe and reverence of Allah in our minds. ” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 714). I have some questions regarding this problem. 2. This should keep the shaytan away from you. Jul 3, 2016 · Before offering salah you should say . Secondly, I will mention the ruling with regards to folding up your trousers for salah and the apparent contradiction from a hadith which can be found in Sahih Bukhari. Yes, your prayer is valid, and you do not need to repeat any past prayers which were prayed in such a manner. However, the masbooq (the latecomer who misses 1 or more rakaahs) will recite the Thanaa (if he did not already recite it at the time of joining the Salah) and Ta’wwuz in the 1 st missed rakaah that he makes up. I pray you are in good faith and health. It is not an obligatory pillar of Salah and missing it won’t nullify the salah. I am 30 and have always lived in a very irreligious and sinful way. I had a wet dream, but I did not perform the ghusl (i. Yes, the time for the fajr prayer ends at sunrise, meaning the prayer must be concluded before sunrise starts. Would it be permissible for one to repeat Surat al-Fatiha in the same rak’at on purpose in order to gain khushu’ in salah, or would this call… Repeating Surat al-Fatiha in Prayers; Prostration of Forgetfulness; What Should I Do If I Forget Which Cycle Of Prayer I Am In? I Made a Mistake with an Obligation. If you err or forget something while reciting Al-Fatihah, you have to correct it because the prayer for the one who does not recite Al-Fatihah is invalid. Please make dua that I can read my fajar salah daily. What I know is, at the end of salah, should I start saying salam (assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah) when my head is towards the qibla and continue saying salam while I turn my head towards the right and complete saying salam after I complete turning my head. Please make dua and tell me a way that I never miss my salah. Q: What is the correct way of tasleem in namaz. I am tired and this is beyond my ability. A oozu billahi minal khanzab. net/http://www. Repeating Prayers. Alhamdulilah now I read all my Salah but what should I do about all the missed Salah? A: Foregoing one’s Salaah intentionally is a major sin. This indicates that the first part of the prayer was valid. If I don’t feel the pressure of something coming out but I feel some bubble in the back passage, especially after using water does it invalidate my wudu? Before you say your opening Takbeer, take one moment, a couple of seconds, to completely draw your full attention to Allah and on performing this prayer for Him, with submission and gratitude. 3. I prayed today and I feel quite satisfied but not 100% sure. If I forget and recite the same surah in the third or fourth rakah which I read in the second rakah. Whoever prays forgetting that he does not have wudu has to repeat the prayer, because the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah does not accept any prayer if a person breaks his wudu, until he does wudu. Dec 20, 2004 · A person may recite a Surah in the first Rak`ah and repeat the same Surah in the second. End quote. – Feb 25, 2024 · Lately, I continue to repeat my prayer because maybe I think that I forgot an obligatory act of the prayer or my intention was not correct. Does […] Should I repeat my prayer if I made a mistake. If you mean that you omitted the prostrations of forgetfulness (sujud al-sahw) accidentally, and instead, ended the prayer entirely, you may still perform them at this point as long as you didn’t do anything which would otherwise affect the validity of the prayer, such as talking or eating. 3267 for information on the points when the hands should be raised. Aug 14, 2013 · Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question: [1] Is repeating phrases like Allah u Akbar allowed in the salah if they were not correctly pronounced once. I mean after sometime repeating wudu, I could go to last rak’ah in salah and then it happens. facebook. This is clear. After his own Tasleem. assimalhakeem. It happens regularly to me. 67-109). I am not sure if my salah is valid. 13. "Dhikr" which are highly desirable and recommended for recitation at the end of each prayer. Was our Salah accepted? If not what should one do if wudhu breaks during Salah? Answer In the Name of Allāh, the - He completes his own Salat after the Imaam finishes his Salah/Prayer---2. Will my salah be acceptable despite having all these doubts along the salah? What is the solution? Aug 3, 2015 · Good Question ever saw. Apr 12, 2015 · However, if you can reasonably repeat your wudu, then you should strive to do so, but this is not necessary. Answer: Cookie Duration Description; cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics: 11 months: This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Nov 13, 1997 · Praise be to Allah. Reciting Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad, Qul a'udhu bi Rabbi’l-Falaq and Qul a’udhu bi Rabbi’l-Nas. However, these are mere recommendations; if one does not repeat the word, the prayer remains valid, and no prostration of forgetfulness is due. Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) discussed this issue at length and examined the evidence of both sides in his useful book al-Salah (p. Allahumma anta al-salam wa minka al-salam tabarakta ya dhal-jalali wa’l-ikram 3. Let me explain your question. No, you don’t need to repeat the prayer. Jun 23, 2023 · If one doesn’t pronounce the starting takbir properly, will he have to break the salah and pray again? What about his iqamah? If he is praying fard alone and he didn’t pronounce the takbir properly. It was the habit of the Prophet ﷺ to recite the Qurʾān before resting for the night. I am trying hard but I cannot wake up for fajar. Answer Aug 17, 2009 · Among the adhkar that can be recited after prayer are the following: 1. Imam Ahmad said: “He should do the sujud if the time that has passed is short, even if he has left the mosque. Is my reasoning correct? Jul 12, 2024 · Q As-salamu `alaykum. e - The Masbuuq He forgot he joined late and he makes Tasleem with Imaam. to stop the prayer, and to repeat it from the beginning. Apr 17, 2023 · If it happens during salah, you need to break off the salah and go and repeat your wudu‘ and salah. Do your best to ensure this happens and ask Allah for forgiveness as a way of expressing adab and your human weakness. Is my salah valid? In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Islam is a most beautiful religion in world(and forever). Islam never allows to do hard things. Before it is time for Salah, start to quieten your mind. I left the bathroom, repeated my Shahada, and did ghusl again. Please also see: Does Vaginal Discharge Break Wudu? And Allah alone gives success. Narrated Abdullah ibn Ja'far: The Prophet (ﷺ) said: Anyone who is in doubt in his prayer should make two prostrations after giving the salutation. And what counts for the validity of your prayer is the entry of the prayer time, not the Azan of your local mosque. Do I need to repeat my salah? Dec 12, 2017 · Assalaamu alaykum I made a mistake in Al-Faatihah during the prayer Instead of saying An-‘Amta starting with the letter Alif I said ‘An-‘Amta starting with the letter ‘Ayn in the verse Siraat Al-Ladheena An-‘Amta ‘Alayhim Does this distort the meaning causing my prayer to be invalid or is it still valid May Allah reward you This continues until i go to the toilet to pass stool after which when praying the next salah if i feel the constrictive feeling in my heart and the above other feelings i change my pants and trousers and then when i pray the next salaah it feels ok again. If one is Jul 6, 2014 · If the Imam is reciting Surah al-Fatiha out-loud, then there is a difference of opinion between scholars: Majority of scholars including Ahmed Bin Hanbal, Malik ibn Anas and some Hanafi and Shafi Scholars say you should not repeat the Fatiha Answered by Shaykh Yusuf Weltch Question I was doing ghusl, and I missed Fajr. Qadhā is not necessary when Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Salamalekum I love worshipping Allah, but i have stopped offering salah because of the amount of waswasa i get during salah. Feb 27, 2019 · Unfortunately, your question isn’t entirely clear. I sometimes forget which rakat I am during prayer; when I am at my second, I doubt whether I did the first one; when I’m on my third, I doubt whether I’m on my second or fourth, etc. And when you are in safety, offer the Salah (prayer) in the manner He has taught you, which you knew not (before). You should not obey him and be patient. Here to fore, when it does, I repeat my previous prayers just in case. Please see the answer to question no. It is not sufficient merely to let the impurity dry out. With the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. I did not leave my prayer as I never found the smell during the prayer but I found it a short while after should it have been repeated or was that prayer complete? In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Jan 5, 2011 · If you prayed without wudu by mistake, you have to do wudu and repeat your prayer. Answer (Fatwa: 869/703/B=1433) Salah is complete on the first mim (ميم) of Assalamu Alaikum. Sep 21, 2018 · During the prayer in the fourth verse of Surah “al kafirun” I used to read ‘walaa ana’ as ‘wala anaa’ . Is it permissible to repeat the fardh raka’ah of a salah in order to establish the salah with better kushoo’. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish between the two. How Should I Go About Difficulties in Reciting the Takbir During Prayer? Repeating the Tashahud During Prayer‏ Does Performing Unnecessary Prostrations of Forgetfulness Invalidate the Prayer? How To Overcome my Fear To Commit Mistakes of Pronunciation in Prayer? Should I Repeat Past Prayers in Which I Made Pronunciation Errors? During salah in the fourth ayath of Surah Kafirun I used to read ‘wala anaa’ instead of ‘walaa ana’. Yellow Discharge. They are as follows: Harām (impermissible) for example if one breaks his salāh without any reason. The same applies if a person does not realise that until after he has finished his prayer; his prayer is valid because of this hadith. k. Jan 20, 1999 · Take your adornment (by wearing your clean clothes) while praying [al-Araaf 7:31] The conditions for clothes to cover the awrah properly are as follows: They should not show the shape or contours of the body; if they do so, this is no good because it does not cover properly. As a result, impurity on them should not interfere with our salah. We should realize that we are standing in front of the all-knowing, the all-powerful, the all-mighty, and the all-seeing. The more we learn about Allah the more we can focus on Salah. Yet it is prescribed not to pause too long (in any position) and not to rush, and he should offer du‘aa’ whilst prostrating and repeat the words Subhaana Rabbiy al-A‘la. Something whispers to me to stop it or repeat it or start it over again after you complete it. Ar-Ramli al-Kabir said in his commentary thereon: The same applies to the tashahhud, by analogy with al-Fatihah. The same applies to putting them on the chest after rising from bowing. 1. Dec 15, 2008 · Your prayers, Fajr, Zuhr and ‘Asr, are valid in sha Allah, and you do not have to repeat them. 6. Question about Islam I was praying earlier and realized that sometimes I would make the mistake of reading an Fatiha without starting with “Bismillah Al Rahman Al Raheem”. If you were watching a movie, you may find yourself replaying scenes from the movie in your head, or rushing your Salah so that you can get back to the movies. Reciting Ayat al-Kursiy silently, 4. Sep 1, 2023 · Jibril informed him of that, so he took them off and he did not repeat the first part of his prayer; rather he continued his prayer. Do you have a question:https://www. Do I have to repeat salah if I had discharge on my underwear?2. You should focus on educating yourself further in your religion so that you don’t get doubts or baseless misgivings [waswasa], and learn specifically what invalidates one’s prayer. (4) RECITE THE QURʾĀN. A: 1. If you see yellow discharge after your ritual bath (ghusl), you are still menstruating if 15 days have not elapsed from the beginning of your period. This dictates, that you did not have ablution during the prayer and are then required to repeat it. Conclusion (Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq, and Surah An-Nas) These Surahs should be recited in Arabic after each prayer. I am worried about my salah’s validity. My question is, was that necessary? Can I assume my first ghusl was valid? Also, when I signed up for this site, I intended to submit a question, but I also registered for a Jul 7, 2007 · Or I should start it over then? These doubts do not leave me since I start my salah until the end of it. But it is we, not our clothes, who perform the salah. However, if he cannot put more weight to one of the two, he should assume what he is certain of and that is the lesser amount, and make the prostrations of forgetfulness (sujud al-sahw). Recently only I came to know that the alif in ‘ana’ is not pronounced. Every worshipper has to make sure he faces the Qiblah in his prayer, and strive to make sure he is facing in the right direction, whether by means of natural signs or using a compass, if he is able to do that, or by asking trustworthy people in that place who know in Therefore, prayer should be re-performed if the praying person realized that part of his/her Awrah was uncovered during it. net/ask-a-question/http://www. Feb 18, 2022 · Thank you for your question. Jan 22, 2015 · does one have to repeat prayers if madhiy comes out in the middle of his prayer and he is fully aware of it?I have this problem of frequent urethral discharge. I wash my limbs once, do salah quickly as well. ~3~ Q: I have gas problems and my wudu breaks so many times. what should i do ? does this break my salah and should i repeat my salah Answer In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Nov 7, 2023 · It is very common that the Azan given in mosques is slightly delayed from the real beginning of the prayer time. Working or concentrating on your tajweed while praying can help you concentrate greater on the surah you’re praying at the time. May 14, 2017 · To conclude, repeating salat at night causes you trouble then you must not repeat it. In this case, should I continue my prayer or stop? If I continue, is my prayer right or should I repeat it? This does not happen always. There is no sin on you if you were unaware of that. Do I need to repeat my prayer? Answer: Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah, No, your prayer was valid and you do not need to repeat the prayer. Apr 18, 2015 · Assalamu alaykum respected scholars Six months ago I went through an incredible religious awakening after reading the Quran for the first time Im Muslim-born and this has prompted me to study my religion further and start taking my five pillars more seriously with salah being my absolute top priority However even though Ive turned to Allah in repentance for my past carelessness and ignorance I Aug 9, 2000 · When you intend to offer As-Salah (the prayer), wash your faces and your hands (forearms) up to the elbows, rub (by passing wet hands over) your heads, and (wash) your feet up to the ankles. ” (Narrated by al-Bukhari from the hadith of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) in Kitab al-Wudu) One must repeat these salats when one is released from prison. My problem is, I regularly have this feeling that I've not performed a wajib act; so I need to do the prostration of forgetfulness. Impurity cannot be removed from a garment except by washing it with purifying water. Our clothes do not define who we are. Second is, if you during your normal days you have some discharges, then you determine end of your period when you see such discharge, meaning if during normal days you have yellow-white discharges, then as soon as you see the same color of discharges close to you period, let’s say after reddish discharges, then as soon as you see them you Jun 15, 2014 · So if you raise your hands, it is Sunnah and is not a mistake, as you thought. May 30, 2016 · Hence, the one who prayed while forgetting that he was without Wudhoo' must repeat the prayer, and the one who prayed while forgetting that he had some impurity (on his body or clothes) or who did not know that he was in such a state is not obliged to repeat the prayer. I think it is an anxiety-related IBS. Many times, what we were doing before it was time for Salah may affect our concentration. Praise be to Allah. (Hanbali Fiqh) Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani If someone walks in front of while you are praying does that make your salah invalid? Will I need to repeat my salah? Answer: In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful & Compassionate It is recommended to place a barrier (sutra) in front of one when praying, if one thinks that someone CLASS 6 SUPPLICATIONS AFTER SALAH . Oct 29, 2017 · Quieten Your Mind Before Salah. Apr 7, 1997 · If you pray in a mosque and then go to another one and find the people there praying, then you should join them and your prayer would be a nafl prayer. If he remembers - He completes his Salah/Prayer and he does Sujood al-Sahw. Jan 31, 2019 · This will revitalise your salah 5. Mar 7, 2002 · If I noticed a Najas (impurity) on my dress after finishing my prayer (Salat) will my prayer be valid or do I have to repeat it after cleaning the Najas? Answer Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the World; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions. If you make a mistake when reciting the Surah after Al-Fatihah or you forget anything of it, it is not prescribed for you to say Istighfar; rather you should try to correct the mistake and remember what you forgot, but if you cannot do Jul 4, 2022 · In summary, you were certain that you did not have ablution and you doubted whether or not you made a new one. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Every person in the world can't complete prayers 100%(not all, most of). That is for two reasons: 1. Feb 19, 2023 · Do I have to repeat my wudu if I feel that tingle/arousal? Since it happens so frequently, should I keep going and pray? Answer. You should take your bath again when you see clear or white. Those waswasa are not normal, they render me into thoughts of shirk during salah & i feel like killing myself, but i am too coward to do so, what should i do? I asked Allah's help Should i repeat my salah? during the jalsa between the two sajdat i accidentally said Bismillah but then i realised my mistake and corrected myself and i didn't do sujood as sahw And one thing to note that when i said Bismillah i wasn't focusing on what i was saying and just, in general distracted Insha Allah your question will be looked at in two ways. I spend about 10 to 12 minutes just praying 4 rakat. I doubt whether my salah is valid, and it causes a great amount of stress. Following are the situations which make our Salah nullified. There is nothing wrong with repeating the same Surah in the Tarawih prayer, or in any other prayer. Is my Salah valid? The same goes for tashahhud. In this case, we leave the doubts and act according to certainty. , ritual bath) immediately. , three of four rak`ahs he should consider the most likely case. Your goal should be to have at least one moment of attentiveness to Allah in your prayer, and it will grow from there, by His grace. If the doubts that you have about missing the transition takbeer (saying Allaahu Akbar) or mispronouncing consist of mere waswaas (obsessive whispering), then you should totally ignore such doubts and carry on with your prayer Question: aswr wb, what does a person do if he was praying salah the wrong direction he did not know and only find out after months its wrong direction…does he have to repeat all the s Oct 27, 2016 · So he should not pay attention to this doubt – because the (act of) worship has been concluded, except if he becomes certain that he did not pray except three (rak’ahs) – then he should come with the fourth for as long as the elapsing time was short, and he should make the prostration for forgetfulness after the salaam. co Nov 24, 2014 · The Standing Committee for Academic Research and Issuing Fatwas was asked: Sometimes I resist the urge to defecate before praying, and I pray but I do not feel that urge during the prayer; is my prayer acceptable? Sometimes the opposite happens; is my prayer acceptable? The committee replied: Mar 22, 2013 · Your answer is at cross-purposes with the question - the hadith you cite makes no mention of whether the man was repeating the prayer, or merely joining the congregation with a voluntary intention (more likely). It is incorrect to repeat the prayer unless one committed a prohibitively disliked action therein [Shurunbulali; Maraqi al-Falah]. Astaghfirullah 3 times 2. My question is, what do I need to do in this case? Nov 20, 2020 · Salaam, I once prayed dhuhr, and had a doubt wheter I was in the 3rd or 4th rakat, but I decided to ignore the doubt, considered it the 4th rakat and finished my salaat. Then start praying. tzkbb jpyg ouya pkwcfm ffst ommq xnmk qnzwt cvlozw ytlaaz